Housing Your Praying Mantis: The Ultimate Guide to Mantis Mansions

Congratulations on welcoming your new mantis buddy into your home! Whether your mantis arrived in a snug 4oz cup, a more spacious 10oz cup, or if you went big with an adult mantis, a hefty 32oz container, rest assured that your little friend is traveling in style. These travel cups, often lined with a cozy piece of tissue for that extra grip during transit, are like the mantis equivalent of a first-class airplane seat.

However, while these containers are great for short-term stays—think of them as a comfy Airbnb—they’re not meant to be a permanent home. Your mantis can chill in its travel cup for a few days or even a couple of weeks, giving you time to set up their new luxury suite.

If you’ve already gone ahead and bought a spacious enclosure (high five for making a savvy financial move!), keep that travel cup handy. It makes for a perfect feeding pot, helping your little mantis easily find its next meal before being whisked back to its deluxe digs.

Size Matters: The Golden Rule of Mantis Housing

When it comes to mantis enclosures, size really does matter. The golden rule is that the enclosure should be at least three times the length of your mantis. This ensures they have enough space to molt into adulthood without any risky accidents while hanging from the top. So, let’s break it down and make this as simple as possible:

  • Small Enclosures (10x10x15 cm): Perfect for smaller species like the charming Creobroter urbanus, the bold Astyliasula major, or the adorable Miomantis paykullii. These little guys will have plenty of room to roam and grow.

  • Medium Enclosures (15x15x20 cm): Ideal for species like the alien-like Phyllocrania paradoxa or the fan-favorite Hymenopus coronatus. These enclosures provide a cozy yet spacious environment for your medium-sized mantis.

  • Large Enclosures (19x19x29 cm): If you’re housing larger species like the stunning Deroplatys desiccata or the legendary Rhombodera kirbyi, this is the size you’ll need to give them the space they deserve.

Choosing the Perfect Mantis Mansion

Before you dive into shopping for an enclosure, do a little research on your chosen mantis species. At PrayingMantisWorld.com, we provide recommended enclosure sizes and species-specific care guides to help you make the best decision. While I won’t recommend a specific enclosure brand (they’re all pretty great), it’s important to shop around and find a design that fits your style and budget. Prices can vary widely, and as the saying goes, “You get what you pay for”—but don’t worry, even the affordable options can be perfect for your mantis.

Once upon a time, it was totally normal to keep a mantis in a 32oz cup or a homemade enclosure fashioned from a plastic sweet container with a few ventilation holes. But as mantis enthusiasts started crafting their own acrylic enclosures, a whole new world of mantis mansions opened up.

Decor and Ventilation: Less is More

When decorating your mantis’s home, less is definitely more—especially while they’re growing. Too much clutter can lead to accidents during molting, so keep it simple. Choose an enclosure with plenty of ventilation to prevent mold buildup, and opt for one with a mesh top so your mantis can hang out (literally) with ease. Avoid metal mesh, though—it’s tough on their delicate feet.

Acrylic or plastic enclosures are the go-to options. They’re inexpensive, mantis-friendly, and you won’t have to worry about your mantis getting tangled up with glass. However, some species can’t grip plastic or acrylic surfaces, so you might need to add some textured material to the walls to help them out.

Final Thoughts

Your mantis deserves a home that’s not only functional but also comfortable and safe. By following these guidelines and doing a bit of research, you’ll create the perfect environment for your new little predator to thrive. Happy mantis housing!